Mineral Harmony™ Refresh (Shock Oxidizer, MPS) 2lb
Code: 2770 | Brand: Mineral Harmony™
Product Description
Mineral Harmony™ REFRESH is a powerful oxygen-based oxidizer. When used regularly, the Mineral Harmony™ REFRESH product will help eliminate contaminants introduced by bathers and environmental factors, like rain and wind. Mineral Harmony™ REFRESH will not raise chlorine levels or produce combined chlorine. Mineral Harmony™ REFRESH restores sparkle and clarity to spa water. It will not increase calcium hardness or stabilizer levels. Mineral Harmony™ REFRESH contains no chlorine or other disinfectants. (2lb)
Safety Data Sheet
| Instructions
- Mineral Harmony™ REFRESH is a non-chlorine shock oxidizer (MPS).
- Mineral Harmony™ REFRESH contains no sanitizer and should be used for oxidizer treatment only.